Notices in apartments giving guests the option of not washing towels daily;

Use of solar panels for heating bath water;

Use of paper in the office: all paper used on one side is placed in the "drafts" folder; then it is either printed on the back or is used to make note pads; then crushed to be taken to the Waste Processing Unit;

Waste separation - organic and dry - and selective collection by the City Hall of Bonito in own truck, which is taken to the Waste Processing Unit, where it is sold by the cooperative that operates the unit;

Oil used in the kitchen is separated and collected by the institution "Life Oil", being reused and generating less environmental pollution;

Restoration project of the riverside forest of the spring area of the restinga stream, which is born at Pousada Olho d'Água: removal and isolation of degradation factors, natural regeneration and planting of seedlings by planting groups in alternate lines;

Project Partner to improve seed genetic variability in the Rio Formoso watershed, through the selection of seed tree seedlings, in partnership with the NGO "Neotrópica Foundation";

Collaboration with "Pestalozzi Society of Bonito", which takes care of children with special needs, as permanent maintainer;

Sporadic collaboration with canoeing and jiu-jitsu de Bonito, when these teams participate in out-of-town championships;

Adhesion to movement WWF's "Earth Hour", in 2009, 2010 and 2011;

Planting of seedlings in the Serra da Bodoquena - Program entrepreneurs in action in celebration of the day of the tree - IASB Promotion, September 2009.
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